Bat: 'There’s
a time in one’s young life where taking drugs, getting pissed drunk and sleeping around is almost acceptable or even seen as ‘cool’ amongst your peers. There comes
a turning point when those actions are no longer cool, or acceptable (unless you are Lemmy!). The
person who continues in that way of life becomes someone who ‘has problems’ . Education is something thats important to most people but its not the solution for everyone.
Shane: 'The main
verse arpeggios for this tune came about by way of a musical accident, and the
subsequent parts flowed out pretty quickly thereafter. Bat was simply trying
out my Ibanez (tuned to replicate the lowest 6 strings of a 7-string guitar
i.e. B, E, A, D, G, B) and rolled out the lilting section that would become the
beds for the verses of the song. Originally, I had a fairly busy, poppy groove
propelling this one, but once the vocal harmonies started to take shape it was
evident that the half-time feel was much more appropriate. This allowed the
song to breathe more easily, and so the deep, sprawling bass parts emphasise
this. I think the choppy, grungy sections create a nice contrast and add
movement to a classic sounding tune.'